The end of life process for many people is not easy; regardless of whether you are caring for a person in steep decline or an prospective executor. Part of this difficulty lies in knowing where important documents are and gaining the authority to make critical decisions for the person when they cannot make decisions on their own.
Indeed, these decisions should not inspire bickering among siblings or caregivers, or require a court order. This is why a detailed estate plan can be helpful.
But having the desire to have such a plan is not enough. Having information in areas where people can find it is also essential. This post will highlight what type of information should be available to caregivers.
Physician’s contact information – This is especially important if the person is hospitalized while out of state or away from their hometown. The physician can provide helpful insight about the person’s ailments.
Financial information – There should be some information that will allow a caregiver to maintain the person’s financial obligations. So access to one’s bank accounts or a schedule of bills would be helpful.
Password bank – With so many people having digital assets, or being able to conduct business online, it is also prudent to provide passwords that will enable a chosen caregiver access to critical information.
Contact list – There may also be others who the person feels are important who should be notified in the event the person is mortally injured or is not expected to make a recovery.
If you have questions about how to put this information together, or how much detail should be provided, an experienced estate planning attorney can help.