Protecting Your Legacy

Estate planning clauses may cause legal conflict in Texas

On Behalf of | Aug 18, 2016 | Estate Planning |

When individuals are considering their estate plans, they may have a set idea of what the details of their wills should state. However, probate litigation is possible if other parties believe that the plans do not properly disclose the creator’s intentions. As a result, individuals may wish to contest the will. Taking such action could be complicated, though, if individuals added certain precautionary clauses during their estate planning

In some cases, Texas residents may come across “no-contest” clauses in their relatives’ wills. This means that individuals who wish to dispute the contents of wills could face potential penalties for attempting to do so. However, individuals may wish to move forward with disputes if they believe issues truly exist regarding the estate documents. As a result, they may wish to seek assistance in how to handle such a predicament.

Furthermore, there are other roadblocks that individuals could also face. Even if a will has been challenged and found invalid, there is the possibility that older versions of the same document could be found valid. As a result, individuals could find themselves facing additional legal disputes if they hope to achieve their intended goals. 

In some cases, challenging a will may be necessary if individuals believe that something untoward occurred during the estate planning process. If Texas residents are facing estate obstacles, they may wish to find out potential avenues for working around those issues. Consulting with experienced probate and estate administration attorneys could help interested parties gain more information regarding no-contest clauses, will validation and other pertinent topics relating to their concerns.

Source:, “Myths of estate planning“, Lawrence S. Jacobs, Aug. 12, 2016

