Protecting Your Legacy

Planning may reduce probate & estate administration conflicts

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2016 | Probate & Estate Administration |

Though many Texas residents may wish to make their estate plans in hopes of appeasing their surviving family, issues could still arise. Because various circumstances could play into how a family views a will or other estate documents, individuals may wish to consider their personal family dynamics if they wish to work toward minimal conflict. An experienced probate & estate administration attorney may be able to help in such efforts.

The decisions made in an estate plan can have lasting effects on the family members left behind. Therefore, individuals may wish to take particular care when it comes to naming their executor or successor trustee. Because some family members may feel slighted by an appointment they do not agree with, individuals may want to ensure that their reasoning behind their choices are sound and perhaps even discuss these reasons with the family.

Another issue that could come about pertains to inheritances. Though many individuals may hope that their children and other loved ones are not petty or unnecessarily argumentative, there is a chance that conflict could come about due to how the inheritances were divided. Again, discussing the details of the plan as a family could help particularly argumentative or sensitive parties better understand what to expect.

Estate planning is not a particularly easy task to accomplish, but it is a perfectly feasible endeavor that could prove considerably beneficial. If Texas residents feel that they are ready to move forward with their plans, they may wish to consult with experienced legal professionals. If conflicts do arise, probate & estate administration attorneys may be able to provided valuable assistance.

Source:, “Easing the Burden: Family dynamics should be considered in estate planning“, Isabell Mueller, Oct. 27, 2016

