Protecting Your Legacy

Probate and estate administration concerns may lead to litigation

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2017 | Probate & Estate Administration |

Many Texas residents may worry about dealing with estate issues after the death of a loved one. Executors, trustees and other related parties may feel particularly concerned if there is a chance for conflicts to arise relating to probate and estate administration. Unfortunately, these concerns are valid as many different catalysts could lead to individuals feeling the need to file a dispute. 

One of the main reasons an individual may choose to contest a will or other estate document is if he or she feels cheated out of an inheritance. Unequal shares or being left out entirely could cause someone to question whether the will truly expressed the intentions of the deceased. A slighted party may harbor feelings of distrust toward an executor or other member handling the estate, and as a result, he or she may pursue litigation.

Of course, there may be instances in which such concerns are truly valid, especially if the deceased loved one was potentially coerced into changing a will during a vulnerable time. If a surviving family member believes that another party used undue influence to gain a better inheritance or take other negative actions against an estate, contesting the validity of a will may be a wise option. Information on such steps may prove useful.

Probate and estate administration can be a complicated endeavor, and if there are concerns that the estate is not being properly handled, some parties may consider litigation. Individuals facing these issues will undoubtedly want to know more about how such proceedings could potentially help them address their estate-related worries. Speaking with experienced Texas attorneys could help interested parties determine their next course of action.

Source:, “Estate Planning: Bones of contention“, Dennis Fordham, Dec. 24, 2016

