Protecting Your Legacy

Probate and estate administration basics may prove useful

On Behalf of | Apr 5, 2017 | Probate & Estate Administration |

Though most Texas residents may know that an estate often goes through probate after a loved one’s death, they may not fully understand what the process entails. Probate and estate administration can be a complicated proceeding, and because there are a variety of aspects to go along with the process, some parties may feel confused about what to expect. However, gaining information and assistance could help make the situation less intimidating.

First of all, even though the term probate may sound familiar, many individuals may not even understand the basics of the process. If a deceased loved one created a will, probate proceedings work to validate the will. This means that the court rules that the document was created by the deceased with his or her clear intentions intact.

If a family member died without a will, the probate process involves appointing a personal representative to handle affairs relating to the estate. This party will have to carry out various duties, including attending to remaining financial matters and distributing assets to appropriate beneficiaries. A person could name a personal representative, or executor, before death if he or she creates a will.

Because most individuals must deal with probate and estate administration in some form, understanding the process can have many benefits. Individuals who have been named executor may find this information helpful in understanding their potential duties, and parties who are creating their estate plans could use this knowledge to determine what tools may most benefit their plans. In order to gain reliable information, Texas residents may wish to confer with experienced attorneys.

Source:, “Elder Care: Be wise about probate“, March 23, 2017

