Protecting Your Legacy

Details of estate plans important to executors during probate

On Behalf of | May 14, 2019 | Probate & Estate Administration |

Though many Texas residents understand that settling a loved one’s final affairs after death is necessary, just as many may not fully know what that entails. Commonly, estates go through the probate process, which gives the executor the opportunity to handle all necessary remaining affairs. However, the process can be complicated.

Hopefully, a loved one will have created at least a will before his or her passing. That document may have designated a person to act as the executor of the estate. This person will be in charge of ensuring that all final affairs are taken care of. If a will does exist, that document can provide some instruction as to how certain tasks should be handled. If no estate planning documents exist, state law will have a say in how assets are distributed and in other aspects of the process.

Probate can also take a lengthy amount of time to complete. As long as the probate process is ongoing and assets are being accounted for, beneficiaries and heirs cannot collect any of that property. As a result, the executor may also have to deal with the impatient natures of those beneficiaries along with all of his or her other duties until the process is completed.

Though probate is a complex process, it can ensure that a loved one’s final intentions are recognized, validated and carried out. Certainly, it can take time and seem trying at various turns, but Texas executors do not have to trudge through the process on their own. In fact, it is commonly wise to enlist professional help from attorneys throughout the proceedings.

